Saturday, May 18, 2024


 "Meditation is the denial and negation of all systems because you see the truth and understand the full significance that you must be your own light.

 This light cannot come through another or be lit from the candle of another. 

If you once see the truth of this, you will not follow any guru, saviour or priest with their doctrines, traditions and rituals."

J. Krishnamurti

Thursday, September 7, 2023


"Any desire is a search for perfect bliss. This perfect bliss is part of the nature of the Self, therefore all desire is a desire for the Self. 

Seeking bliss in objects is part of our egotistical make-up. It is because I believe myself to be a distinct being among other distinct beings that I am compelled to search for bliss and the fullness of being by seizing and possessing other beings. 

Thus we are urged towards a hunt for happiness which is the tragedy of egotistical life. 

We have taken the first step to freedom when we understand that objects do not contain bliss.
The second step is the analysis of the nature of the object, in other words, the recognition that the world of objects, unable as it is to give us bliss, is a purely mental production. This discovery should produce a stilling of the mind, and therefore realization."

Jean Klein, "Be Who You Are"

Monday, September 4, 2023


" The ordinary man's activity is made up of reactions which are the expression of his egotistic make-up. He is a self surrounded by pleasant or unpleasant, friendly or hostile objects, and everything which impinges on him incites him to react according to his desires and his fears. Consequently, all his reactions are false, fragmentary, inadequate, because they are rooted in his egotistic outlook which is born of his delusion that he is a separate self. All the traditional doctrines teach us methods by which we may come to discard this state of reaction and reach an ego-less state where all reactions cease to be, giving place to impersonal actions which are true, impartial and adequate."

Jean Klein, "Be Who You Are"


Wednesday, April 19, 2023



I asked CHAT GPT to write a poem about the wind.......
It instantly wrote one. What do you think, is it good?
The wind
"Colors swirling, shapes unknown,
A canvas bare, a mind full-blown,
A world beyond, a truth untold,
A story waiting to unfold.
Lines and curves, a symphony,
A melody of creativity,
A dance of light, a game of chance,
A canvas waiting for romance.
The strokes of life, a river flows,
A journey to a place unknown,
A song of hope, a tale of woe,
A world that's waiting to be shown.
The artist's hand, a magic wand,
A spell that's cast, a bond beyond,
A canvas full, a story told,
An abstract world that will unfold."

Saturday, November 26, 2022



"Meditation is just to be, not doing anything – no action, no thought, no emotion. You just are."

 "Meditation starts by being separate from the mind, by being a witness. That is the only way of separating yourself from anything. If you are looking at the light, naturally one thing is certain: you are not the light, you are the one who is looking at it. If you are watching the flowers, one thing is certain: you are not the flower, you are the watcher."

"Don't do anything – no repetition of mantra, no repetition of the name of god – just watch whatever the mind is doing. Don't disturb it, don't prevent it, don't repress it; don't do anything at all on your part. You just be a watcher, and the miracle of watching is meditation. As you watch, slowly mind becomes empty of thoughts; but you are not falling asleep, you are becoming more alert, more aware."

 "As the mind becomes completely empty, your whole energy becomes aflame of awakening. This flame is the result of meditation. So you can say meditation is another name of watching, witnessing, observing – without any judgment, without any evaluation. Just by watching, you immediately get out of the mind."


Monday, August 29, 2022


 "Q. Where does desire come from?
A. All desire is ultimately the search for peace and as such springs from desirelessness. When a desired thing is attained there is a moment of desirelessness without subject and object. Later, we attribute this contentment to the object but in the moment itself there is no cause and effect, no perceiver and perceived. We are on our home-ground. All desire springs from the urge to be at home permanently.

What is generally called desire is a psychological superimposition created by the ego for its survival. Most desire comes from psychological memory, that fortress of the ego. Of course, there is desire which comes from the body itself. It belongs to biological survival and is a natural function.

Q. Would you speak about stimulation?

A. Your completeness is autonomous. That means there is no need for stimulation to fill a lack. A certain amount of stimulation is important for the biological structure, of course, otherwise it dies. But because this appears within your real nature you are not bound by its appearing. It holds no interest for you in itself. All appears in consciousness. Biological stimulation is then jubilation; existence is only play. It is an expression of wholeness. When you are consciousness you see, feel, taste, hear only consciousness. All need springs from lack and almost all our need for stimulation stems from mental confusion.

Q. I often find myself trying to repeat certain experiences or sensations which were pleasurable. Why is this?

A. The person needs experiences to exist and looks to repeat them. Pleasure offers more security for the ego than pain. As long as you take yourself for an experiencer you live in the pleasure-pain cycle. Objectless consciousness, your real nature, is joy without experiencer or experience. It is not connected to time, memory, feeling or sensation, so there is nothing to repeat. You are the guest of joy, you cannot impose yourself.

Q. Would you clarify the distinction between joy and pleasure?

A. Pleasure is always in the shadow of pain. In joy there is no counterpart. Joy is without cause or object. As all appears in joy, pleasure too appears in joy. Joy is the background out of which the opposites, pleasure and pain, arise, and into which they reduce. Pleasure maintains the person whilst joy annihilates the person. Joy may appear spontaneously but often it degenerates into pleasure.

Q. How does this degeneration occur?

A. You conceptualise joy. Joy is global, but what is conceptualised becomes successive since there cannot be more than one concept at a time. Pleasure is fractional. Joy is multidimensional. Pleasure has a beginning and an end but joy is continuous.

Q. Would you say joy is the synthesis of pleasure and pain?

A. Joy is all-encompassing. It is the source, not the synthesis, of fractions. The 'still joy' I speak of is a living principle. Existence. Pleasure and pain are in this joy but it is not bound to them. Where there is only a conceptual - and not a living - principle there is no warmth, no life."

Monday, May 30, 2022

THE FALSE "I" - “Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi, Talk 222


"All these are only mental concepts. You are now identifying yourself with the wrong ‘I’, which is the ‘I-thought’. 

This ‘I-thought’ rises and sinks, whereas the true significance of ‘I’ is beyond both. 

There can not be a break in your being. You, who slept, are also now awake.

 There was no unhappiness in your sleep. Whereas it exists now. What is it that has happened now so that this difference is experienced? 

There was no ‘I-thought” in your sleep, whereas it is present now. The true ‘I’ is not apparent and the false ‘I’ is parading itself.

 This false ‘I’ is the obstacle to your right knowledge. Find out wherefrom this false ‘I’ arises. Then it will disappear. You will be only what you are, absolute Being. 

Search for the source of the ‘I-thought’. That is all that one has to do.

 The universe exists on account of the ‘I- thought’. If that ends there is an end of misery also. 

The false ‘I’ will end only when its source is sought.”



  “Not seeing Self, the world is materialized. Seeing Self, the world is vanished.” Ashtavakra Gita           “In the limit...