"All these are only mental concepts. You
are now identifying yourself with the wrong ‘I’, which is the ‘I-thought’.
‘I-thought’ rises and sinks, whereas the true significance of ‘I’ is beyond
There can not be a break in your being. You, who slept, are also now
There was no unhappiness in your sleep. Whereas it exists now. What is
it that has happened now so that this difference is experienced?
There was no
‘I-thought” in your sleep, whereas it is present now. The true ‘I’ is not
apparent and the false ‘I’ is parading itself.
This false ‘I’ is the obstacle
to your right knowledge. Find out wherefrom this false ‘I’ arises. Then it will
disappear. You will be only what you are, absolute Being.
Search for the source
of the ‘I-thought’. That is all that one has to do.
The universe exists on
account of the ‘I- thought’. If that ends there is an end of misery also.
false ‘I’ will end only when its source is sought.”