Wednesday, February 13, 2019



“Not seeing Self, the world is materialized. Seeing Self, the world is vanished.” Ashtavakra Gita 


“In the limitless ocean of Myself the winds of the mind roil the myriad waves of the world.”
But when the wind subsides in the limitless ocean, the ark of personhood is swallowed up, along with the universe it carries.”  Ashtavakra Gita

The next short video is full of symbolism that will give us an intuitive understanding of what Awakening is :

It starts with the sinking of the mind in the “water” of Consciousness.
Why is the girl shown swimming under the water , wrapped in plastic foil ?
The plastic wrap suggests the placenta, the Unborn Consciousness, without duality, the One.
This is the infinite, the eternal Ocean of Consciousness, the substratum of our perceived world.

Notice how our perceived reality is shown to be superimposed on the Absolute reality.
She is swimming continuously under the water, in absolute bliss, and her stressful life is superimposed on this, like reflections flashing on the surface of the water.

“If you were a wave on the ocean and you started thinking of yourself as a separate individual, you would live on the surface and be whipped about this way and that, and you would lose touch with your reality, which is the water that you are made from.”  Nisargadatta Maharaj

The surface of the infinite ocean of Consciousness is our passing, changing, troubled world of duality.

The couple is shown fighting in front of a window , the reflective surface of the water is also shown outside of the window, and the swimming under the water is also shown.
Both states of reality occur simultaneously, one is transient, the other is eternal.  
She exists in both layers of reality, but she does not know this, and she considers herself to be just a person.

“Mind always takes you out of the reality.” Nisargadatta Maharaj

The Absolute can not be known as a concept by the mind or as an object by sense perceptions.
We are the Absolute , we are looking for It and we can not find It outside of ourselves.

“Don’t look for me in human form.
  I am inside your looking.”    Rumi

The Awakening is the realization of our true Being, possible only by being It.

Suddenly, she raised her head over the water and opened her eyes  - she realized what she Is – she Awakened.

“In me, the shoreless ocean,
let the waves of the universe rise and fall as they will.
I am neither enchanced nor diminished.”
                                      Ashtavakra Gita




  “Not seeing Self, the world is materialized. Seeing Self, the world is vanished.” Ashtavakra Gita           “In the limit...