Monday, September 4, 2023


" The ordinary man's activity is made up of reactions which are the expression of his egotistic make-up. He is a self surrounded by pleasant or unpleasant, friendly or hostile objects, and everything which impinges on him incites him to react according to his desires and his fears. Consequently, all his reactions are false, fragmentary, inadequate, because they are rooted in his egotistic outlook which is born of his delusion that he is a separate self. All the traditional doctrines teach us methods by which we may come to discard this state of reaction and reach an ego-less state where all reactions cease to be, giving place to impersonal actions which are true, impartial and adequate."

Jean Klein, "Be Who You Are"



  “Not seeing Self, the world is materialized. Seeing Self, the world is vanished.” Ashtavakra Gita           “In the limit...